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The State of American Health and Nutrition

Denise Scott

I recently listened to a panel discussion that took place in Washington, DC on 9/23/24, entitled American Health and Nutrition - A Second Opinion, led by Senator Ron Johnson. Multiple professionals, bloggers, and others gave testimony. These individuals are working to expose the truth about and improve the quality of our food and the health of Americans. I watched 4 ½ hours of testimony, taking notes to pass on takeaway points. Here is the link:

Although I am encouraged to know there are many people doing work similar to what I am attempting on this blog - educating and creating awareness, I am also sickened that the health of our country has gotten to this state. Food manufacturers that are poisoning us and our children have bought our government. These food companies have had no accountability because they contribute financially to lobby groups, politicians, the FDA, USDA, and NIH. There exists a MAJOR conflict of interest.

I sincerely thank you, my readers, for taking time each week to read my blog, and I ask that you please spread the word to create awareness to as many as possible. 

Our country spends more money on healthcare than any other nation, yet we are in the poorest health and have been getting sicker. We cannot depend on our government to intervene.

The Facts:

  1. US foods have more than 10,000 allowed additives, while Europe only approves about 400. In the US most lack research. We are exposed daily to thousands of chemicals that are banned in other countries.

  2. Food manufacturers in the US make the same products differently here than in other countries, due to other countries not allowing specific additives/dyes/preservatives that the FDA allows. Examples: artificial food dyes, HFCS, potassium bromate, red dye #3, growth hormone, and titanium dioxide are all banned in Europe.

Why is it ok to poison American children when these same companies have the formulation to make safer products overseas? 

  1. The US has the highest chronic disease rate in the world, 50-60% of our population, despite spending the most on healthcare.

  2. Companies only profit when people are sick, money goes to treatment rather than prevention. 90% of healthcare dollars are spent on chronic diseases.

  3. The FDA allows new chemicals in our foods without testing (this is known as GRAS - generally recognized as safe). It is left up to the food manufacturers to decide if they are safe. These food companies are allowed to regulate themselves.

In contrast, Europe requires additives to be proven safe before approval.

  1. The tobacco industry entered the food industry in the 1970s, buying up food companies, when we learned that cigarette smoking caused cancer. They then hired scientists to create the addictive foods we have today.

  2. 60% of Americans calories come from ultra-processed foods (UPFs); 70% of most supermarkets are UPFs. 

A UPF is one you can’t make in your kitchen.

  1. Obesity is on track to replace smoking as the leading cause of cancer. The American Cancer Society has identified 13 different cancers related to obesity. 

Some consider pesticides the new smoking.

  1. Children are the highest consumers of artificial dyes. These are not allowed in other countries due to stricter regulations.

For example: Skittles in the US contain 10 different artificial dyes. Europe bans these.

Gatorade uses red dye 40 here but colorings from vegetables such as carrots in Europe.

Trix and Fruit Loops use multiple artificial dyes here but none overseas.

Artificial dyes are made from petroleum products!

  1. These same companies have the formulations to make the same products cleaner and nontoxic since they do so overseas but not here! Why are we the guinea pigs? Why are they making us unhealthy?


The obesity rates continue to increase despite more and more Ozempic being prescribed. Mental illness is skyrocketing along with obesity. 

Autism has increased by 4x over the last 20 years and ADHD 3x in the same period. 

There is no question that our American diet affects the brain health of our children and this is hardly studied.

We have become a nation of toxic, over processed, nutrition-less foods and poisonous environmental exposures.

Why do we/our government/FDA allow this???

The short answer is that these food companies have strong lobby groups and contribute financially to politicians. It is undoubtedly a money issue. Neither the companies nor the government care about their constituents as much as they care about keeping their position. Profit is chosen over people’s health.


Our children’s and grandchildren’s lives depend on it. You have the power to change this! You, the parent, grandparent, and consumer, can do something to effect change.

Since I like to identify problems and propose solutions, here are suggestions:

  1. Become educated. There is a lot of information available (this blog included); learn what is healthy and unhealthy about diet and environmental exposures. Here are some additional resources:

Environmental Working Group (EWG) 

The Food Babe  

Cornucopia Institute

Simply google specific topics, such as BPA, artificial food dyes, food additives not allowed in Europe, etc.

  1. Read labels and leave those with ingredient lists longer than 5-8 items on the shelf (the fewer the better). The free Yuka app helps when shopping - simply scan the barcode of an item and it will give a rating on a scale of 0-100. The higher the rating, the better. This app is helpful when comparing items.

  1. Refuse to buy the ultra-processed foods, sodas, sugary beverages, and other crap that food companies spend billions on marketing to your children and all of us. Not purchasing these UPFs inflicts injury where it counts, when sales plummet, and they lose profit. We send a message when we stop buying their poisonous products. Don’t pad their pocketbooks. 

  1. Consider writing your representatives and senators to take action against food additives. 

  1. Speak with the managers at your local stores to request stocking healthier items and not those full of chemicals. 

If your grocer has a “health food” section, what does that imply about the rest of the store??

  1. Notify others by talking to friends and family about these issues, encourage them to become educated, and change their buying habits.

  1. Shop locally, in season, and at farmer’s markets and local farms as much as possible. 

  1. Check your produce to see where it is from - the further away the source, the longer the transit, and likely more pesticide and preservative exposure.

  1. Buy certified organic when you can, in addition to free-range, grass-fed, non-GMO, antibiotic-free, and hormone-free, especially with meats, poultry, and dairy. 

It is maddening that we have to pay more to purchase healthier food without toxins.

  1. Educate your children on foods that are healthy and unhealthy. Create lifetime habits that will keep them in good health for years to come.

The time is now to take action to protect your family. We have endured this for too long. As Gandhi once said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”


1 Comment

Oct 23, 2024

Great post and so passionate! 👏👏👏

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