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Food as Choking Hazards

Denise Scott

June is National Safety Month for children so I'm starting this month with an article on choking.

Most parents likely know that anything can be a choking hazard for little ones. This is why we childproof, don’t buy toys with tiny pieces, and implore the older siblings to put away such toys out of reach of the younger ones. We purchase items with childproof caps, keep shiny objects such as coins, magnets, and batteries out of sight, and even get on our hands and knees to search the carpet and floor for anything that could be put in their mouths. Many choking items are obvious. This article will focus on edibles.

Young girl grabbing at throat and gagging

The Statistics:

  • Choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional death in children under 5.

  • Food accounts for over half of choking episodes.

  • In the U.S. a child dies every five days from choking on food.

  • Two-thirds of choking victims are infants under a year.

  • Some children that survive a severe choking episode have permanent brain injuries.

I will review what to avoid at which ages and how to better prepare items to reduce the risk of choking. My previous article “Baby-Led Weaning - One Pediatrician’s Perspective,” posted 1/11/23, touched on this. This article will explore this topic further and include recommendations by the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics).

First and foremost, a baby/toddler/child should never be fed while playing or on the go. They should be seated upright, supervised, not rushed, and without distractions. Eating while crawling/walking/running/lying down increases the risk of choking.

Babies should not eat while playing

My bias is that I consider everything a choking hazard initially. Babies do not chew well and like to stuff their mouths - a good reason not to put too many items on their plate or tray.

The following list of foods that are choking hazards has been taken from the CDC website: (


  • Cooked or raw whole corn kernels

  • Uncut cherry or grape tomatoes

  • Pieces of hard raw vegetables or fruit, such as raw carrots or apples

  • Pieces of canned whole fruit

  • Uncut grapes, berries, cherries, or melon balls

  • Uncooked dried vegetables or fruit, such as raisins

Many raw vegetables are too hard for toddlers


  • Whole or chopped nuts and seeds

  • Chunks or spoonful of nut and seed butter, such as peanut butter

  • Tough or large chunks of meat

  • Hot dogs, meat sticks, or sausages

  • Large cheese chunks, especially string cheese

  • Bones in meat or fish

  • Whole beans

Grain Products

  • Cookies or granola bars

  • Potato or corn chips, pretzels, popcorn, or similar snack foods

  • Crackers or bread with seeds, nut pieces, or whole-grain kernels

  • Whole-grain kernels of cooked barley, wheat, or other grains

  • Plain wheat germ

Sweetened Foods

Chewy round candies are choking hazards and bad for the teeth!

  • Round or hard candy, jelly beans, caramels, gum drops, or gummy candies

  • Chewy fruit snacks

  • Chewing gum

  • Marshmallows

Most of the above are for children under two, especially those under a year. Some pertain to older children (3-5 years): round and hard candies, uncut round fruit, and whole nuts. The AAP recommends that children under four should not be given whole nuts. In practice, I saw several toddlers who had aspirated a nut into a bronchus (passageway to the lungs) and had to have it removed surgically.

Whole nuts and seeds should not be given before age 4

***If an infant or toddler has a choking episode, then develops fast breathing, coughing, or pneumonia 1-2 weeks later, aspiration is something to consider!

So other than mashing and pureeing food, what else can be done to decrease the risk of choking?

  • Hard fruits and vegetables, like apples and carrots, should be cooked until soft enough to be mashed between your two fingers.

  • Before or after cooking, remove the fat, skin, and bones from poultry, meat, and fish.

  • Cut fruit into small pieces and remove any seeds or hard pits.

  • Cut soft food into small pieces or thin slices.

  • Any foods with a slick outer skin like hot dogs, sausage, and string cheese, should be cut into short, thin strips instead of round pieces that could be aspirated.

  • Cut small rounded foods like grapes, cherries, berries, and tomatoes into small pieces.

  • Make sure grains are well-cooked and soft.

Vegetables and grains should be sautéed or boiled until soft

Additional guidelines per the AAP:

  • Hot dogs are considered “the perfect plug” for a child’s airway and should be cut lengthwise. (Better yet, hot dogs, although loved by many, are not a nutritious food for anyone and are better avoided! - my opinion, not the AAP’s!)

This is NOT the way to cut hot dogs. They should be cut into short strips lengthwise.

  • Do not give toddlers high-risk foods, such as hard candy, nuts, seeds, and raw carrots.

  • Cut grapes in quarters; slice lengthwise, then cut again.

  • No shellfish under a year

  • Chewing gum shouldn’t be given before age 5

  • Under 4 avoid:

    • hard, gooey, or sticky candy

    • Peanuts, nuts, and seeds

    • Whole grapes

    • Marshmallows

    • Chunks of peanut butter

    • Popcorn

Parent learning CPR on a baby mannequin

As a mom of a little one that choked frequently and suffered many back blows, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of CPR training for parents. These courses are offered by the American Red Cross and the American Heart Association with online versions. There are also online classes offered by Tinyhood (,, and the National CPR Foundation.

Witnessing choking in anyone is a frightening experience. Knowing what to do in that situation is invaluable and can be life-saving.



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